Cure Gastro Problems in a Safe and Secure Method

Gastric diseases refer to diseases affecting the stomach, intestine or any other digestive tract organ. These diseases are typically caused by infections. Every year many Indians gets affected from gastro diseases. If you are facing any problems in your digestive tract then to avoid any severe illness conditions, you should consult with the best gastroenterologist in Banashankari.
Gastroenterologist in Banashankari

As per assessments, almost half of people in India suffer from one or more types of gastric problem. As per studies, 22 percent of Indian adults suffer from constipation, out of which more than 13 percent of Indian adults suffered from severe constipation. The share of gastro diseases is much more in urban areas. Amongst pregnant women, 1 in 4 suffer from constipation. It is also observed that more than half of the  people who suffered from covid also suffered from some kind of gastric problems.
However many Indians generally ignore such problems when they are at the beginning stage and only give any attention after it has turned severe. People who have gastric problems do not openly admit about it very often and go to doctors after many months of initial suffering. Almost half of the gastric patients shy away from seeking medical help. According to reports around 33 percent of the people who suffered from constipation have never treated their disease, whereas appropriately 48 percent of the people suffering from constipation depend on home remedies only.
Gastro problems are typically caused by unhealthy diet. An unhealthy diet mainly includes unhygienic food, irregular eating habits, junk and spicy food and less water intake. Gastro related problems could also be caused by not getting enough exercise, frequent travelling, changes in routine, taking various medicines, becoming pregnant and getting infected by pathogens.
Some of the notable severe gastro diseases include constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal abscesses, anal fistula, diverticular disease, colitis and even colorectal cancer.
Detecting gastro diseases is easier as the symptoms of severe gastro diseases are visible and include regular diarrhoea, irritation, itching, pain and bleeding in the digestive tract, blood coming out of anus, hard stool generally infrequent or incomplete, abdominal pain and cramps with excess gas.
If you see any such symptoms then you should not ignore or neglect them and visit the most trusted gastroenterologistin Banashankari. Visit Dr Madhu M P, who has years of experience in treating gastro problems securely and has many satisfied patients. 


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