Serious Signs that You Need to Visit a Gastro Doctor

Facing problems with digestion? Is chronic pain your regular troubles? Then you may need to see a professional gastro doctor as soon as possible. Find a professional gastro doctor in Jayanagar to know if your problems are serious enough or not. Check out these signs.

Gastro Doctor in Jayanagar


Heartburn or feeling pain or burning in the chest or throat is a genuine sign of having gastric problems. It mainly happens when the stomach backs up the acids into the oesophagus. If you feel this problem on a daily basis then don't ignore it, please visit a doctor as soon as possible.        

Gallbladder Stones

Having painful cramps in your stomach? Many have stated that this kind of pain is pretty much non-ignorable. If you have this type of intolerable pain in your stomach then you must gallbladder stone. It is found in your gallbladder, it can be small like sand grain or it can be as big as a golf ball. If you feel tremendous pain in your stomach go see an experienced gastro doctor. 

Lactose Intolerance 

People who develop uncomfortable symptoms after drinking milk or eating any dairy products may have a lactose intolerance problem. People who have this problem don't make enough lactase to fully digest dairy foods. This can lead to bloating, diarrhoea, loose bowel movement and many other digestion related problems. To treat this problem you may visit a gastro doctor. As treatment can help you to digest dairy products.    

Celiac Disease 

It is a genetic condition that involves the immune system. People who have this disorder must avoid gluten foods, start looking for gluten free food. The condition shares gluten sensitivity that doesn't develop in their small intestine. If you have celiac disease you may need additional treatment for intestinal damage.   


If you have any of these problems, you need to find a professional experienced gastro doctor in Jayanagar.


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